Sunday, June 22, 2008

Shock and Awe

As we write this note, it is 3:30pm in the afternoon, Sunday, and it is! We get up early each morning and go see Roksana (Hannah Grace) and try to get reacquainted anew each day. She KNOWS who we are...we're the ones who are trying to 'rock her world' :) She is soooo adorable! Can't you tell?! We are getting over the 'shock and awe" of the almost constant crying...not Roksana..US! :) She used to cry all the time, but now it's ....oh, just 90 percent of the time. We have stopped crying...Thank the Lord! Seriously, we are gaining strength and it is all because of the prayers of God's people. THANK YOU DEAR FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!!

...Please keep the prayers coming, and especially that Roksana (Hannah) will bond with us and actually come to us when we enter a room. That would be nice :)

We love you all!
Mere o paf sheem! (phoenetic spelling of Goodbye)
Bob and Lori


Mellyanne said...

Oh how wonderful. The pictures are just beautiful! Now I'm crying ;)
We will continue in prayer and cannot wait for more encouraging updates.
Missing you all!
Eric & Melissa

Curtis and Dawn said...

Lori and Bob,
So glad you called this morning. Curtis was glad to talk to you. Try to relax, the bonding will come. The day will come that you are all Hannah will ever know. She really won't remember much of Albania and the orphanage. You will be her world!!! She is adorable! We love her!!! Thank you for the pictures. We will be praying for God's peace to overwhelm you as you go through this bonding process. Love you guys!

Curtis, Dawn, Schroeds, Liv