Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Blessings

Christmas Blessings

We are SO HAPPY to be having a FAMILY Christmas of our very own for the first time! We are praising God for His richest blessings this season! Thank you all once again for your love and prayers as we continue on this journey. It hasn't been easy getting this far, but every day there are new blessings, and the prayers of our dear family and friends have been felt when we needed them the most:)

....May you all have the blessings of the SALVATION OF GOD upon you this most special season!

Joyous love!
Bob, Lori, and Hannah Grace :)

Mommy's happiest birthday ever!

Birthday Wishes for Mommy

Me and my Dad

The other night Bob and Hannah were sittting on the edge of the bathtub (Hannah, with one hand on Dad's knee and the other brushing her teeth, and Dad with one arm around Hannah), when Hannah said, "Me and my dad!" :) Isn't that precious?! I wish I had been there to hear that first hand, but it was delightful enough to hear Bob tell it :) And this is the longest sentence Hannah has spoken yet! ;)

....Hannah loves a particular story that Bob reads to her every night; it's called Me And My Dad :) The story is about a papa bear who lifts his little one high upon his shoulders, and of course, there is nothing in this world that "papa bear" cannot do:)