Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Paula S said...

YIPPEE!!!! You posted! I am on my way out the door - but thought I would check once more to see if there was anything new on your blog! That picture will be in my mind all day! I rejoice with you!!!! LOVE YOU!

Ione said...

qgyfwWhat a joyful sight to see Hannah Grace with you both, knowing we will be seeing the three of you together for a long time to come. God is good! Never get discouraged, He will work things out, and I know it won't be long before she loves, and is very attached to her parents,(Bob & Lori). Prayers are with you, Love you all, Ione

Curtis and Dawn said...

Lori and Bob,
Got tears in my eyes and goose bumps on my arms when I first saw the three of you!! God truly is amazing! What a sight! Hannah will warm up to you, don't get discouraged about it. It will take time but it WILL happen soon! Liv and Schroeds want you to say hi to Hannah for them. We will continue to pray daily for all that is taking place over in Albania. We are all so excited for you and will be smiling for the rest of the day! Take care of yourselves.

With Love,
Curtis, Dawn, Schroeds and Liv

Katie Baron said...

So happy you made it safely!
It is such a treat to follow your journey.
Give our little one (Antonella) a hug if you have a chance.
Can't wait to get there. We are jealous!!
Randy, Katie, Colin, Ellery, Alec and Emilia

Mellyanne said...

Wonderful. I've been checking everyday for the updates. We will continue in prayer for you every day! We are still praying that you will bring her home this time! God is still a God of miracles!
Eric & Melissa

JJager said...

Everything sounds wonderful. You will be surprised how fast she will bond to you when you get home. Be patient. It brings back many memories.. Love to you all. J Jager